Date: Friday, April 7th 2023

The Costco experience

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today I was treated to a real American shopping experience when scout asked for help with getting supplies for all the hikers.
it was something I don't ever want to experience again, but I'm glad having done it.
as I'm sitting here writing this, while waiting for the Shuttle to take me to Cleef, i am super excited and nervous about what im about to undertake.
i was worried that i was going to feel lonely as i came here, but honestly.... the welcome from scout and Frodo and all the hikers/volunteers have been amazing to alleviate this loneliness.
the amount of different nationalities at scout and Frodo is very fun! so far I've meet Germans, French and Dutch people, as well as one swedish girl whom came today.
i have said my goodbyes (or rather see you laters) to some people whom left earlier today and who knows? might see them on the trail! sure hope so, mark from Scotland was a cool dude.
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